Twice nominated for ArchDaily's Building of the Year 2024

Every year, one of the most prestigious international architecture awards 'Building of the Year' is awarded by ArchDaily. This year, Vilhelm Lauritzen Architects has two projects nominated, respectively LIFE Campus in the category 'Culture' and Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen in the category 'Healthcare'.


Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen is Northern Europe's largest hospital and has been nominated for actively using both architecture and nature in the work to treat, prevent and educate diabetes patients. We designed it in collaboration with Mikkelsen Arkitekter and our landscape architects STED.


LIFE Campus is a visionary learning center that aims to arouse children's interest in science. A sensory high-tech universe that educates and inspires, where children can visit the moon before lunch and the core of an atom in the afternoon.


With 18 million monthly readers, ArchDaily is the world's largest and their annual awards ceremony celebrates "outstanding architectural achievements" from around the world.

The winners will be up to the readers of ArchDaily, but everyone can vote here until 13.2


Vote for Steno Diabetes Center here:

Vote for LIFE Campus here:


Read more about the ArchDaily Awards:

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